What are we talking about when we talk about worship?

At B&A we love a good catchphrase, a simple way to remind ourselves of eternal truths , but we know worship is bigger than all that. Worship is fundamentally a life style, a posture, a direction of travel. Declaring that Jesus is on the throne and then allowing that to infect every ounce of how we live our lives. Jesus is most defiantly bigger than Sunday.

‘Worship’ is often used as shorthand for Sung Worship right?

Yes, but- There is a huge breadth to the meaning of the word ‘worship’ both linguistically and conceptually;  it encapsulates so much more than the way we often use this word in churches today.  When we begin to look at what the Bible says about worship we are met with such vastness and depth that it’s clear that growing a ‘culture of worship’ takes far more than a great worship team or the best technology. The most annotated songs or most memorable melodies.

However, the words used for worship both in Hebrew and Greek always relate to either our posture or an action in response to who God is.

Therefore, in our gathered sung worship times whether in Little Churches, Friendship Groups, Kids Church, Youth Work, Whole Church Gatherings or even Zoom Communions! - We have a unique and privileged opportunity to use music and song to give voice to the people of God and together step forward on the journey of reposturing ourselves before him, by declaring in word, action and heart that Jesus is king!

Or to steal a good ‘catchphrase’ -

We are the “People of God, pouring out the praises of God, in the presence of God”