
We’re a local church discovering what it means to bring Bristol to Jesus. Right now, 70,000 people in Bristol are living in food poverty and less than 5% of our city know Jesus. We believe everyone should have enough to eat and everyone should have the chance to meet Jesus. Through our Little Churches, our B&A kitchen meals and our Alpha Courses hundreds of people a week are being fed and hearing about Jesus. We’d love you to come and join in with what God is doing.


Why Jesus?

Jesus is the best teacher the world has ever known. Jesus is the best friend we know. He’s the only one to have been raised from the dead to a new life. And because of what He did on the cross, He’s the only one who can forgive you and give you an entirely new life. 

If you want to find out more about Jesus we’d love to invite you to one of our Alpha courses.

Our Values

Values are the things we celebrate and honour in each other that help us become who God made us to be.

At B&A we value faith, hope and love - the simple things, knowing that valuing those things is the way to bring Bristol to Jesus.


B&A Vision - Bringing Bristol to Jesus - Sunday Talks

In this series of talks from January 2024, our vicars Wayne and James explain what Bringing Bristol to Jesus means for the church and for Bristol.

James Stevenson B&A’s new Vision 2024 Launch

Wayne Massey - B&A Vision - Bringing Bristol to Jesus - Our Values - Faith, Hope and Love

James Stevenson B&A Vision 2024 - Part III

Wayne Massey - B&A Vision 2024 - Little Church and Mission - Part IV